Dao Sheng (PADI Restaurant) HALAL

Restaurant & Bar
Lengkuas Restaurant ( HALAL)
Dao Sheng( PADI Restaurant) HALAL
Lobby Lounge ( HALAL)
In– Room Dining
Dao Sheng (PADI Restaurant) HALAL

Dao Sheng Restaurant offers a delectable range of classic Cantonese delicacies and Din Sin specialties. With a commitment to using the freshest produce, the restaurant prides itself on delivering top-quality dishes that showcase the rich flavors of Cantonese cuisine. Renowned for its reputable dim sum offerings, Din Sin Restaurant ensures that each dim sum item is crafted with precision and authenticity. Dao Sheng(PADI Restaurant) Restaurant promises a memorable dining experience characterized by exceptional taste, quality ingredients, and a harmonious blend of flavors from two distinct culinary traditions.

Operation hours:

8.00am to 4.00pm